Hurricane protection is just the beginning. With over three million units installed and no reported impact failures, WinGuard® Impact-Resistant Windows from PGT meet the most stringent code requirements for hurricane-force winds and flying debris. But WinGuard® does so much more for your home, your family and your belongings. These custom windows help provide year-round security against thieves and intruders, dramatically reduce outdoor noise and filter out 99% of the UV light that enters your home and causes fading. When combined with our insulating glass you have energy efficient windows that can significantly reduce cooling and heating costs. More homeowners have chosen WinGuard® to protect their homes than any other brand. It’s continuous, 24/7 protection – without having to think twice.
What is the difference between “Large Missile Impact” and “Wind Rated Windows”???
WIND RATED WINDOWS: These are windows that will withstand “wind speeds” that they have been tested for. Wind speeds coincide with DP ratings (design pressure) when it comes to windows and the building code, DP ratings are critical. There are positive and negative ratings i.e. +50 -50. Wind rated windows are NOT large missile impact windows (unless labeled as such). A wind rated window alone, in the county of Pinellas, is not enough to meet the required building code if you are replacing MORE than 25% of the glass in your home.
LARGE MISSILE IMPACT WINDOWS: These are windows that have been tested by the North American Fenestration
Standard and also the American Architectural Manufactures Association.
AAMA http://www.aamanet.org/upload/file/CMB-5-05_Excerpt.pdf
NAFS https://www.wdma.com/Portals/0/Ballot%20Items/A440-11EN%20Ballot%20Draft.pdf
These tests require that the window is able to withstand a direct blow by large objects such as 2×4’s and be able to withstand the wind pressure “after” it has been struck by the object or objects. The Hurricane Large Missile Impact windows can come in insulated and non-insulated laminated glass packs. Though in Pinellas these are the required windows to meet the current building codes if you don’t have code approved storm shutters.