Using Impact Resistant Windows All Year Long

Pinellas Country, FL impact-resistant windows are those that protect homes in the event of a storm. They are so strong that you can throw a brick against them and they won’t break. They have to be that strong or else the hurricanes would take them out with ease and do…

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Choosing Impact Resistant Windows Is No Different

When you are getting new windows for your home, you might automatically decide to get Pinellas Country, FL impact resistant windows. This is a very smart decision as impact resistant windows are highly energy efficient, attractive, and protect you in the event of a hurricane. These windows have a high ROI and…

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Lessen The Pain With Impact Resistant Windows

There are plenty of inconveniences in life, aren’t there? And you work your way around as many of them as you can. Living in Florida brings sunny, warm weather to your doorstep most of the year. If you don’t like snow and cold, that’s great. However, there has to be a trade-off…

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Saving Money With Impact Resistant Windows

Do you have an app on your phone that saves you money? Most people do. Perhaps you have a store you frequent and by having the app, you get points for shopping in that store. That translates to free products, discounts, and other perks. It’s nice to have that option.…

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Top Reasons To Install Impact Resistant Windows

As a homeowner, you want to do everything you can to protect your home from outside threats. If you are thinking about replacing your windows in the near future, you might want to consider impact resistant windows in St Petersburg, FL. There are many reasons why this could be the best option to…

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Impact Resistant Windows Bring Advantages

In Florida, there are times when there’s no way to avoid nasty weather like hurricanes. That’s why homes have to have either hurricane shutters or impact resistant windows in Pinellas County. If you currently have shutters, you might wonder why you should bother making the switch to impact resistant windows. The truth…

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Impact Resistant Windows And Noise Reduction

Pinellas Country, FL impact resistant windows were first designed to stand up against the powerful winds that hurricanes bring along with them, but they have become helpful in other areas as well. These windows help with energy efficiency and lowering utility bills, for example. But they also significantly reduce the noise…

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Reasons Windows Fail During Hurricanes

Hurricane seasons can cause billions of dollars in damage. Even when certain areas that are hit receive insurance and other aid to recover from their losses, the payments can’t cover it all. And they certainly can’t replace family heirlooms, picture albums, and other treasures. There’s no way to make a…

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